Hey Evergreeners! Extra! Extra! Evergreen will be holding their meeting outdoors (in front of the church deck) on 8/20. Our speaker is Paul Niednagel, an old, long-time-no-see, friend of Evergreen. He will be sharing on the topic "Knowing Jesus 12". We welcome you to bring your family and friends to join us in this special Evergreen night!
嗨,常綠人! 號外號外!!! 8/20常綠即將要在戶外(教會大門口)舉行聚會喲! 這次的講員是我們常綠好久好久不見的"老常綠人" Paul Niednagel! 他將要分享的主題是"認識耶穌12". 我們歡迎大家帶你的家人及朋友一起來參加常綠這個特別的夜晚!