2011年9月22日 星期四

This weekend is our annual retreat for 3 days 2 nights...

Hi Evergreeners! This weekend is our annual retreat for 3 days 2 nights. For those of you that have registered, please remember to meet on Friday night at 7pm in front of GBC (PS: please remember to bring the things your small group leader told you to bring!) For those of you that DIDN'T register, our regular church meeting will be canceled and will resume next week. So hope to see you all next week!

嗨,常綠人! 這週Evergreen舉辦3天2夜的退修會,所以有報名的人,
記得星期五晚上7點在GBC大門口集合(PS:大家要記得帶小組長提醒各位需要帶的東西喲!)...而假如這次"沒有"參加退修會的弟兄姊妹,本週常綠在教會的聚會就休息一次,下週就會再恢復聚會! 所以期待下週見到大家喲!

