2011.6 India Mission trip testimony
This was my second India mission trip; I thank God for letting me experience His presence and faith. Compared to the last mission trip, I was more prepared this year. Because last year I was invited to join India mission trip suddenly, I didn’t think it’s possible for me to get 10 days-off from work, because I work at hospital. I thought I should pray first and join the team next year. It was also a big challenge for me to be in a complete strange place where you couldn’t communicate with languages you known. But after praying, God wanted me to trust Him completely, for He is the Lord who can make anything happen. Therefore when I gave my concerns into His hand, God truly opened the way for me and led me to join the mission trip last year. I also learned to work with brothers and sisters with one heart to experience God’s awesome deeds in India.
When I came back from India last year, I made decision to join the team next year. Therefore I reserved my days-off for 2011 at the end of year 2010. I was so confident before I left for this mission trip, then God gave me two new challenges to teach me the lessons of trusting Him as before. 1. Challenge one, the hospital I work for scheduled and evaluation before the mission trip, but the schedule kept being postponed. If the schedule happens to be set during the mission trip, my head of nurse wouldn’t let me take days-off. 2. Challenge two, Nick invited me to be part of community hygiene team this year, because the leader, Janet will attend seminary in United States in response to God’s calling for her. I was really shocked when I first heard this invitation. Though I am a nurse, I have never use English that I am not familiar with teaching health education to patients or patients’ family. So I was in denial and thought there should be someone else more suitable for this position. I struggled for quite a long time and cried to the Lord, “Is this really the thing you want me to do? I don’t think I am competent for it yet. But thanks be to the Lord, through the leader, Janet’s encouragement and God’s comfort, I knew I should to trust the Lord again, instead of my strength.
When I let go of my concerns and prayed to give my burdens into His hand, God started to work. First, he let the date of the hospital’s evaluation become sure. It ended right before the date we left for India mission trip, and therefore my head of nurse had no reason not to let me take days-off. I praise my Lord and my God, for His plan and thoughts are always higher than my plan. I got rid of my hesitation and started preparing the lessons I will teach in India; preparing my heart to be with my team members and to walk with God.
The other thing I need to thank God be that Nick kept emphasizing that prayer should be the most important thing for us during this mission trip. He encouraged us to be committed in praying during the whole trip. Ever morning, our mission team would have devotion and prayer time together and let God’s words feed our spiritual need for whole day. We also shared how God’s word has moved us and the changes it brought to us. The most important thing was that we prayed for the challenges and the people we would serve in each team each day to be in God’s hand. We also prayed that God would work in their lives first, so that we could follow his steps and walk with Him each day with an alerted heart. And we could also see His wonderful deeds.
There were three team members in my community hygiene team. Our main responsibilities and duties were:
1. To teach them how to mange and value their community hygiene to reduce the incidence of illness, because lots of Indian people’s illness were caused by the water source, the soil pollution and mosquitoes, bugs, bacteria, and parasite. We also taught them to know some common diseases and how to prevent getting the diseases.
2. To feed their spiritual needs, we taught them the importance of the relationship with God, and devotion time and studying the Bible. We also taught them how to share with others about their testimonies and how to share the gospel.
There were 12 students in our class; they were from eight churches planted by Dalsingpara church. There were 9 students whose age is twentyish; the other three were church pastors and elders. We have 23 churches sent students to learn from us including these 12 students in the past two years. Our goal is that 35 churches planted by Dalsingpara church can send students to take class, though we couldn’t have many students each time. If each one of them can teach their villagers and congregation after they go back, 35 villages can have opportunity to be changed.
Though we can’t see the result of our teaching each time, we believe that God is the Lord who is in charge and who can change people’s hearts. So we try our best to accomplish what the Lord gives us to do, and we wait patiently and pray. A good response from one church is that when the students went back to share what they learnt from us, six families built their toilets. It might be hard for us who live in Taiwan to imagine how hard it could be, but for them it is really a big change, since they need to alter their habits of using the back yard of their house as a toilet. They also need to build toilets and learn to keep it clean all the time. Therefore when we heard some of them are willing to make such a change, we really praise the Lord and we hope we can hear more good new from them in the future.
I also learnt in our class. Though I am the one who taught them health common sense and knowledge, I gained more than they did. The first lesson I learn is to be flexible. For instance, when all students were ready for class, we found out our teaching materials were in medical team’s car. My leader and I decided to change our teaching schedule and our order of teaching at that moment. We encouraged each other to be calm, and thanks God that everything went smoothly. In two hours, the local church brothers brought the materials back to us. During the class, I need to adjust what I prepare for them from their responses. Sometimes the materials are not suitable for the local condition. Sometimes it is too hard for them. Because I am the first timer in this team, it’s really challenging.
The second lesson I learn is the lesson of faith. During the class, there were many times I couldn’t find suitable English to express the symptoms of diseased I want to teach. Then I found out that God gives us great gift of body language. When I tried hard to express my thoughts through body language, the interpreters translated into their language. And we asked them questions, we found them really understand what we taught. Thanks be to the Lord! Another impressive faith lesion is that, on the last day of our ministry in India, all our team members would serve together in Rajabathawa Church. It usually took medical and children outreach teams one hour to be there by driving, and also need to go through a riverbed to get to the church. On that day, after few hours’ rain, the creek became a river and was difficult for cars to pass through. Two cars tried to go through first. It was really scary and we started prayed for the drivers. When it came to our turn, our driver hesitated and wouldn’t dare to try, so we encouraged him and prayed for him, pray for God will come to help us. There’s only one thought on my mind too cry out to the Lord, and prayed that God could make us no doubt and no fear. Since Lord Jesus can walk on the sea, He can also bring us through, after praying for a while we went through the riverbed safely. After we went through, we prayed for the next car. Thanks God for bringing all of us to drive through that scary riverbed.
The third lesson is that learn to return to our pure loving heart for the Lord like we first came to believe in Him. I remember every time when we saw students were tired from class, we invited them to stand up and sing their worship songs. Though they were from different churches, they didn’t need song book or power point or practice in advance, they could sing praising songs together, and dance together to praise the Lord. Though I didn’t understand their language or lyrics, I was really touched and full of joy. And when we said “Let’s pray together.” They started praying out loud without ceasing. Think of myself, sometimes I hesitated or wait for others to pray first or to pray quietly. Through the way they pray, God reminds me that I should return to the passionate prayerful heart like I first came to know Him.
In the end of my sharing, I’d want to thank God for choosing each one of our team members to work with Him. I believe it’s not coincident for each team member. I also believe that each one of us has a willing heart to response to God’s calling. I believe God not only want to use us in this team. He also calls those brothers and sisters in our church who haven’t joined mission team, but do we always prepare our heart to respond to God’s calling?
May God keep blessing people in India. Though they are poor in material, they are rich in spirit, for they came to know the Lord Jesus Christ. May God also bless and shine the light on people in Taiwan. We should learn to be more grateful for the abundance that God gives us, and we should pursue the Lord Himself, for He is the one who can satisfy people’s spiritual need and hunger.
Love in Christ!!
2011.6 印度短宣隊見證
在我跟大家分享印度短宣的前,我先跟大家簡單的介紹一下我自己,我是一位護士,工作了大約十五年,在我工作的前五年,我是在一個工作壓力非常大的心臟外科加護病房工作,那時的我雖然認為自己小時候有去過教會,應該就是基督徒,但我卻還不認識耶穌是誰,當時的我工作很努力,希望盡自己最大的能力來讓病人更舒適,也希望他們的病可以治癒或期待他們的生命可以延長 ,但那樣只讓我生活當中的壓力越來越大,生命中的喜樂及對工作的熱誠與活力也一天天的耗盡,因此我決定再去進修念書。就在我去念大學護理系的時候,我的同學帶我來到教會,讓我重新去認識上帝是誰,和我的生命到底有什麼關係。當然認識上帝也不是一朝一夕的事情,當時最吸引我的就是聖經裡約翰福音14:6所寫的:「我就是道路、真理、生命,若不藉著我,沒有人能到父那裏去。」 那時真的點醒了我,我一直在追尋生命的意義,原來就是那麼簡單 ,生命的掌控權根本不是在我或者在醫生的手中,我應當追尋的是更加認識耶穌基督。而當我更加認識祂,我發現生命當中的重擔及問題真的變的輕省和簡單多了,因為我知道我沒辦法也不再需要完全依靠自己的知識與能力,我要做的乃是天天與耶穌同行,天天將我的重擔與擔憂交託在祂的手中,而祂也知道我所面臨的是什麼,所需要的幫助是什麼,因為祂是我天上的父親,這一路走來真的感謝愛我的耶穌基督,雖然我信主後的生命仍會碰到挫折或者挑戰,但我 知道我的生命不再一樣了,我的生活重心和價值觀變的更有意義和盼望了。
- 教導他們如何管理及重視他們的環境衛生,以減少他們疾病的發生率:因為他們很多的疾病原因是因為水源、土壤的污染及蚊、蟲、寄生菌的孳生繁多;並給予他們一些他們比較常見的疾病的認識與預防。
- 屬靈上的餵養:例如教導他們與神的關係、靈修、讀經的重要性,並教導他們如何與人分享自己的見證及如何傳福音。
Love in Christ!!